Being aware of the holographic cosmic laws of all creation and by that, being aware of my eternal source of oneness and at the same time
hologenetic interdependency with the sister- and brotherhood of mankind as the oneness emanating itself as creation,
I declare myself fully responsible for all my actions, feelings and thoughts.
Stating this, I am also aware, that the whole universe is founded on the principles of love, trust and taking care of my sisters and brothers
as for myself in honouring and acknowledging the synarchial unity of all beings.
For that, I declare myself solidary and commit myself to the values and principles of life, which represent the inherent cosmic laws as mentioned above.
Particularly I commit myself to honesty, integrity and candor as the basement of my service for the whole community.
I also acknowledge and appreciate the uniqueness of individuality as an colourful expression of the one community, I am part of.
Therefore I care for and respect the needs of my brothers and sisters as for myself.
May we all thrive to prosperous beauty.
May we all become aware of the loving communion of all beings, which is the innate core of our true nature.
May we encourage each other to the highest enfolding and maturing to become living Gods and Goddesses, which is our natural birthright and heritage.
May we all be a blessing for each other to create a new world of freedom and peace in prosperity.
May it be so.
Concerning the fools paradise communion our idea or conviction is, that coming together in flesh is indispensable to create a new culture of sister- and brotherhood.
The transformative time we are living in calls us finally to a “life-experiment” to initiate and establish a new way of relationship between each one of us, where we treat each other as our “living Guru´s”, as our divine counterparts, that enrich us and awakens the divine flowering of mankind as an united holy body of humanity in which every individuality is an essential part of the whole.
Stating this, “our evolutionary embodiment” calls us to be free of any kind of conceptualized structures.
We commit ourselfs to the disorderly dictatorship of our heart. And out of that, there is this soft longing to open this living experiment up for others,
so we can share the beauty and unique richness of each one of us on a broader scale.
So we are looking into and exploring the ways of how this can enfold itself.
Blessed we are to live in this exiting time of letting go and new findings.
With love
Saraj and Aharon
We are drawn to and already living in as a couple this kind of a “living-transmission-experiment”, which calls out its own joyful excitement to come alive and invites all of us for our own inner and outer enrichment as a broader communal body,
in which every individual is at the same time unique part and also the embodiment of the whole, which is more then the parts themselves.
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