The Ultimate Enigma... lays within the relationship of Truth and Love. Love itself doesn´t care about Truth, it just cares about itself. It just cares or expresses itself trough the relationship of Lover and Beloved, hence – it´s not interested finding the truth, but only in the question of how the “I” can express it´s love to the Beloved. Truth on the other hand has completely sacrificed itself to Love and therefore – in it´s devotion – denied it´s own existence by stating:...
Reasonable people are cought by the notion of cause and effect. The foolish ones are by definition crazy and therefore - without any reason – are free to do whatever they want. So, I choose to become a fool of love. Now, I can do whatever I want and can´t be hold accountable – as, because of my crazyness, I am not responsible of my doing, but love is.