The Fool´s Voyage

The Fool´s Voyage · 18. July 2021
Recently I watched a kind of documentary about the democratic republic Kongo/Africa with the title „City of joy“. It is about mines, war and rape as a war strategy. A Congolese doctor and a Congolese woman, who grew up in one of these villages nearby a mine founded a special place, the „City of joy „ for the raped and hurted women. The woman describes how she grew up in her village which for her was like living in paradise, fearless and happy until the soldiers came and her whole...
The Fool´s Voyage · 03. July 2021
So, I’m back. Like Aharon wrote already in his blog, we finished our main journey. That doesn´t mean, that we found already our place in the outside world. But surprisingly ( at least for me) this journey wasn´t about the outer movements - although we visited a lot of different countries and places - in fact, it was mostly an internal journey. So, where to start? I just can start in the present moment. It is Saturday evening, 3rd of July 2021. One day before the Day of independence, the 4th...
The Fool´s Voyage · 30. June 2021
Being a fool Yesterday I was – once again – tempted to “extent” our platform of the Fool´s Paradise through a YouTube channel, to share some of my contemplative explorations I love to do. For example: about the difference between judgment and confession, about the relationship of truth and love, about the mystery of Evil and the necessity to look into the Devil´s Eye etc. Looking at the listed topics, here is the thing: Well, I looked into the Devil´s Eye and doing so, I found out a...
The Fool´s Voyage · 17. June 2021
Yes, it´s been a while, since I wrote something in our blog. And it feels somehow weird to start now again to “revive” our web page. Actually, after the initial burst out of energy to implement the fools-paradise web-side as a virtual layout or communication platform to talk about our endeavor, the energy to foster our page suddenly dried out for no reason and we left it in a kind of dormant state until now. But of course, we kept it open, since our “dream” or more precise: “inner...
The Fool´s Voyage · 27. February 2018
Why do we call our webpage “The Fool´s Paradise” and also our journey the voyage of a fool ? Well, one aspect is, that we allow ourself´s to be led by our unreasonable intuition, beyond any mind´s weighing of interests or considerations of cause and effect. In the German language there is a nice etymological discernment between the word “origin” ( “Ursprung” ) and prime cause ( “Ursache” ). The word “Ur-sprung” literally means the “primal leap” and the word...
The Fool´s Voyage · 23. February 2018
Today is a special day, especially here in Ulm. It is the 75th day of Sophie and Hans Scholl death. They lived in Ulm and were members of the resistance group named “White Rose” in the II. World War. On 22.2. 1943 they were guillotined in Munich. I mention that, because the last days Aharon and me spoke a lot about the second world war, which was a very deep theme for a long time in our personal lifes. Our parents and grandparents were deeply leaved their mark by this war. So it was also...
The Fool´s Voyage · 18. February 2018
Three day´s ago there was a Kind of deep felt sadness the whole day within me. While I was sitting together with Aharon in the evening, I said to him: “It feels like being confronted with death intentionally. This life will come to an end in April and then the ´unknown land´ begins." Like before death, you ask yourself what happens with me when I`m dead. It`s like going directly to steep cliffs and you can`t see any bridge to cross over the abyss, you only see a dark hole. I had a dream...
The Fool´s Voyage · 12. February 2018
How our journey started Let me go back to the 1st january of this year. On this very first day of the new year I had the spontaneous idea to make a very small “ritual” in the morning. So before I sat down at the table with Aharon I said to myself: “Okay, I set my feet over an invisible threshold and by that, I am stepping already into the `new world´, whatever it will be.” So I did and immediately I went into raptures from a vision, that Aharon and me are going to Peru, finding there a...
The Fool´s Voyage · 05. February 2018
Well, now I feel, that the journey really has been started. Last week we´ve handed in our notice, so it`s fix now, we leave this wonderful house here in Bermaringen at the end of april. Two years we lived together as an open family system. “We” means 3-5 underage refugees, small kids for some weeks, short time house guests, two of my kids, our old dog Josi, Aharon and me. There was a lot of change around Aharon and me and so it was the absolutely highest priority for us to really get to...