The Ultimate Enigma...
lays within the relationship of Truth and Love.
Love itself doesn´t care about Truth, it just cares about itself. It just cares or expresses itself trough the relationship of Lover and Beloved, hence – it´s not interested finding the truth, but only in the question of how the “I” can express it´s love to the Beloved.
Truth on the other hand has completely sacrificed itself to Love and therefore – in it´s devotion – denied it´s own existence by stating: “The Truth is, there is only Love.”
All existence, all creation is – per se – Love, but at the same time – and here-in lays the juicy and in a way, ironical enigma – all creation is just an illusion, as it is only temporary and has no substance on it´s own.
Truth has to sacrifice itself into the ultimate lie of existence and therefore deny itself for the sake of experiencing it´s own glory and infinite beauty – even if it´s just a poor reflection – as its own “nature” - is beyond any possible expression and therefore has to “reside” within non-existence, in denial.
That´s why Plato also denied his ultimate knowledge and refuses to answer the key philosophical question of “Who am I ?”, but chose to stay in the foolish state of a Lover to his beloved Sophia to continue the never ending ecstatic dance of Love – which is completely caught up in it´s own madness – and therefore has no eyes for the truth – but only for the loved Beloved ...
And so do I...
your foolish lover