

So, I’m back. Like Aharon wrote already in his blog, we finished our main journey. That doesn´t mean, that we found already our place in the outside world. But surprisingly ( at least for me) this journey wasn´t about the outer movements - although we visited a lot of different countries and places - in fact, it was mostly an internal journey.


So, where to start? I just can start in the present moment. It is Saturday evening, 3rd of July 2021. One day before the Day of independence, the 4th of July, which is my birthday too. Normally – at least in former times - that means before now, I wouldn’t even mention that, in contrary, I always did my best to hide my birthday date. But something is different now. A beloved working colleague mentioned my close birthday and I noticed strong feelings still connected with this day. Feelings of shame and displeasure, I was really surprised how strong these feelings still are. Becoming aware of this, I felt into my heart and I discovered a silent voice, which was longing for embrazing the fact of being alive and didn’t want to prolongue the negative feelings about my birth. It said, it is enough, your life is totally different now. And it is true. I am happy now, I mean really happy. It is this kind of happiness which doesn’t exclude pain or desperation or any other kind of feelings. It is this kind of happiness, which is able to embrace all the human states of being. This kind of happiness, that is inseparable with the discovery of my loving heart, which simply always returns to its own fundamental nature, which is love.

This is my main received gift of our journey. The discovery and the experience, that all what is, is love and I am also just love.

What a pleasure and peace this brings to me.


