A contemplation on the term worshipping:
It may sound shocking, but the first association that comes along with that term is, that worship to god is a big collective trap and even distract us from the reality within us.
Said that, I feel different between the term worship and devotion.
Worship is much more an expression of a hierarchy-trap in regard of: “I´m the poor one and you are the Almighty. This and that is wrong with me, I´m not worthy, I need to practice, make exercises etc. to achieve - in future - completion.”
What an illusion. A Jewish deliverance says: "Future never exist".
And that is true. It’s not there and never will. So all that effort, all that struggle, even the heart-longing in devotion considers a state, a presence in that moment of missing, of a flaw, of incompleteness.
It’s the trapping drama of our life: Separation of our inherent Divinity and try to fix this gap by longing help to fill this from an outside Idol, Guru, God, Majesty, beloved Partner etc. .
To yearn for this "extra"-ordinary happening and be distracted from the simple ordinary awareness of the vast and infinite
omnipresence of overflowing life in within ourselves right now, in this moment...
So I am devoted and offer myself to the heartbreaking love experience of separation and reunion:
" Oh my God, I am love, I am you, simple oneness, caught by myself playing the creative dance of Shiva and Shakti to experience my eternal existence in love".
How beyond words – juicy delicious.”