Why do we call our webpage “The Fool´s Paradise” and also our journey the voyage of a fool ?
Well, one aspect is, that we allow ourself´s to be led by our unreasonable intuition, beyond any mind´s weighing of interests or considerations of cause and effect.
In the German language there is a nice etymological discernment between the word “origin” ( “Ursprung” ) and prime cause
( “Ursache” ). The word “Ur-sprung” literally means the “primal leap” and the word “Ur-sache” is compounded by the syllables “prime” and “thing” or “matter”.
Within the field of our collective consciousness we are still utmost caged in this mindset-law of cause and effect and almost always the first question we ask, when something happens, is:
“What was the reason?” or “Who was guilty?”
But there is no reason and even more, there is no journey to reach a goal or to succeed in something.
The whole creation is just a playful melody for our own entertainment and joyful celebration.
Think about it.
Has a musical piece, has a song or a symphony any goal or destiny? Isn´t it just an overflowing self-expression, an outburst of our undefined and intangible beingness, who´se taking moment by moment a huge leap and jumps into existence by no reasonable means?
And that is exactly the paradise state – to live out of the primal source of who you are in the beginning, where “God” called your name into existence - “Adam” - which literally just means “the human” and which is composed out of the syllables of “A or Aleph” - the eternal non-existential light-impulse and “Dam” - the Hebrew word for “blood” - the carrier-fluid of life. It is so to say the Divine light that dances within the circling time-life-stream of physical forms, a playful jumping-dance between eternity and impermanence.
So let´s remind and encourage ourself´s to live our life´s out of our “origin” - the “Ur-Sprung” - and “jump” around like a happy child without any reason – just for fun.
Life is all about rhythms – tune into them and dance to it´s delight- and colourful melodies of love – the fare of the Fool.