How our journey started
Let me go back to the 1st january of this year.
On this very first day of the new year I had the spontaneous idea to make a very small “ritual” in the morning. So before I sat down at the table with Aharon I said to myself:
“Okay, I set my feet over an invisible threshold and by that, I am stepping already into the `new world´, whatever it will be.”
So I did and immediately I went into raptures from a vision, that Aharon and me are going to Peru, finding there a place to implement a synarchic community. I was totally surprised and also a little bit shocked, because it rose up so clear that we could`t deny it or say, that it`s just an made up idea from the mind.
But Aharon summarized very sober: “Ah okay, now we know where to go.”
May be you can imagine what happened the following days: My mind persistently tried to manage somehow that vision and looked for practical ways how to go to Peru. I collected a lot of informations about Peru, about jobs there and considering how to realize it. But finally I become aware, that “we” can`t do it, we only can follow step by step, day by day, how this vision will dream itself into our life.
Now 6 weeks later I (we) had already a lot of ups and downs with this perspective. The vision became more clear from the inside, but even more impossible from the outside.
One example of becoming more aware of the inner call, you can see at the Picture. While I was clearing out personal Things,
I discovered a painting from 7 years ago, that I made in Brazil after a workshop, I have attended there. I painted it together with
a Brazilian woman. She painted the Paradise on the left side and I drew the snake on the right side, which is rising up in a kind of Christmas tree. She wrote on the picture: “Purificacao”, which means purification and I wrote: “Retorno a Innocencia”, which
means returning back to innocence.
Parallel to my re-discovery Aharon remembered an intensive experience, he had around 2011/2012, where he was sucked into a vision of the “return of Quetzalcoatl”, one of the famous myth of the Mayans.
That was really a stunning surprise to find out, that both of us had a mysterious encounter with almost exactly the same theme and now, after a complete seven years cycle, we get once again confronted with it: The change from the masculine to feminine power, connected with the purification and the return to the innocence, heaven on earth!
By now, five boxes of books are already sorted out. The process of liquidating our old life continues every day. I thought, we do not own so many things, but when you really want to dissolve the whole household, your whole old life, its a lot!
But the major challenge is the principle of “not knowing”.
All our activities, our jobs, our ideas what to do came to a natural end here in this house. Not intentionally, because we didn`t want to work or want to do something, no, in this process of concentrating on or contemplating our inner heart impulses, all compromising tendencies became more and more clear and are not possible any longer.
Over the last couple of month we increasingly felt the density in this collective consciousness-field, which is so occupied by fears and caught within the dark past. We realized, that it`s not the right place to plant a new creation.
So we asked for a place to celebrate life, to stand up straight and to find new strength in creating a new fruit, a new world with totally change of perspective and new paradigm.
And exactly here starts the “not knowing”, because when something totally new wants to come into form, you can`t think it, you are without any orientation, it feels like diving into a really dark void, where you see nothing and you don`t know what and how it will happen.
Not really a very comfortable state.
For me, every day is now a big exercise in trust. Trust in life and trust in love, which is finally the same thing. When I am really connected with this stream of love within me, I feel deep stillness and I know, that all what is Happening now, happens to the best for all that is.
There I find joy, gratitude and unconditional trust.